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  • Clays have historically been used to maintain healthy skin tone and texture.


    A popular feature at many health spas today, clays are widely used as a natural means to promote healthy, youthful-looking skin.

    We have a range of amazing natural mineral clays:

    🌿 Moroccan Rhassoul

    The word Rhassoul is derived from the Arabic word for washing. Moroccan women have used it as natural body care for over 1400 years.

    This remarkable mineral rich clay has been found to reduce dryness, remove impurities, unblock pores, improve skin clarity and elasticity resulting in a general smoothing of the skin.

    Moroccan Rhassoul Clay can be used as a daily cleanser and as a restorative hair treatment.

    🌿 Bentonite Clay

    Naturally extracted and sun-dried from the Aquitaine in France, our Bentonite is a mineral rich clay, formed from aged volcanic ash. Bentonite is one of the purest natural skin detoxifiers. It will gently exfoliate and penetrate deep into the skin to cleanse it of impurities.

    Apply as a face mask, hair rinse, poultice, detox foot and bath soak.


    🌿 Green Clay

    Rich in oligo elements and mineral salts, this premium green clay has a naturally high alkalinity and strong negative ionic charge. Clays have an electro negative charge, whilst impurities and toxins are electro positive.

    Its incredible properties mean that it's ideal for skincare use and particularly suitable for normal to greasy skin.

    🌿 Red Clay

    This Red Clay is rich in iron oxide which gives it its distinctive red hue. This clay is renowned for its natural detox capacity, its action increases the blood flow below the skin improving oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. When used as a face and body mask, it will help absorb excess oil and remove toxins while simultaneously boosting the skin's circulation, leaving the skin feeling youthful and soft.

    Suitable for all skin types, especially mature skin.

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